Dobrodošlica uredi

Dobro došli na Wjêčnik, hrvatski wikirječnik!

Kako biste se upoznali s projektom, posjetite stranice:

Potpisujte se s 4 tilde (~~~~)

Još jednom, dobro došli! -- Nesmir Kudilovič (razgovor) 21,15; 27. travnja 2019. (SEV)

Hello, Praxidicae

could you move the content of line number 9 *{{Admininfo|Luka Krstulović|Luka_Krstulović}} <nowiki>[birokrat]</nowiki> into the line number 19. Naturally, the line number 10 should go into the line number 9, and also the line number 11 should go into the line number 10.

This should be done since Luka Krstulović is no longer administrator nor bureaucrat since 12th of April 2019. I've already updated his status at Wječnik:Birokrati on hr.wiktionary, and that page isn't protected as "Dopušteno samo administratorima". Project:Administratori is protected with that level of protection.

Bivši administratori in Croatian language means former administrators in English language. It could be confirmed that users listed under that headline are all former administrators.

The interwiki links (lines 24 up to 75) should also be removed, since those are on d:Q4039395.

Thanks for your assistance.

Truly yours, -- Nesmir Kudilovič (razgovor) 23,24; 1. svibnja 2019. (SEV)